& Services
Seed, Inc has outpatient group therapy, for the compulsive gambler,that meets 2 evenings a week. These groups focus on compulsive gambling and co-occurring mental health issues the gambler is facing.
For more information on how to be a part of these outpatient groups,
Seed, Inc is also creating intensive outpatient treatment programming for individuals 18 and older who have a mental health diagnosis and co-occurring addictions.
Visit us often for details.
See Below for more resources.
The Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling provides resources, public awareness, and education on gambling disorders while maintaining strict neutrality on the issue of legalized gambling.
from a parent: I am the parent of a compulsive gambler. I came to Gam-Anon because I was lonely, ashamed and frustrated. The meeting provides a warm, safe sanctuary where I can connect with people like myself. I am able to listen to others and be listened to.
Gam-Anon meetings are for family members who have a loved one who is a compulsive gambler.
Gam-Anon meets at The Bridge
2 times a month, 2514 Jenny Lane Green Bay 7:00pm Thursday
Gambler's Anonymous

GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.
GA meetings in the area:
Bellin Psychiatric Center (Enter thru the Main Door) 301 East St. Joseph Street Green Bay 9:00am Saturday (Conference Room)
The Bridge 2514 Jenny Lane Green Bay 7:00pm Monday 7:00pm Thursday
First United Methodist Office Bldg. 526 Doty Street Green Bay 10:00am Wednesday
Bethany Lutheran Church (Church offices along side of the church, 1817 Alvin St.) 530 W. Parkway Blvd. Appleton 10:00am Saturday
Saint Mary's 312 S. State Street Appleton 7:00pm Thursday
Appleton Public Library (room 2) 225 N. Oneida St. Appleton 6:30-7:20pm Wednesday 7:30pm Wednesday
Zion Lutheran Church (No Meetings on Holidays) 400 N. Sawyer Street Oshkosh 7:00pm Monday
Algoma United Methodist Church (use rear parking lot to enter, follow arrows to the Fireside room) 1174 Algoma Blvd. Oshkosh 7:00pm Wednesday
NCPG offers a number of prevention, education, treatment, enforcement, research, responsible gaming and recovery resources.
Important Phone Numbers:
National Suicide Hotline 1(800) 784-2433
Referral & Information Crisis Center of Family Services (24-hr.)* (920) 436-8888 (Green Bay)
Prevent Suicide Calumet County (920) 849-9317 (M-F 8:00 -4:30) (920) 832-4646 (after hours)
Outagamie County Crisis Intervention (Mental Health, Intake, and Services 24 hr.) (920) 832-4646
Crisis Intervention (24-hr. Over Phone Counseling/Referral) (920) 233-7707 (Oshkosh Area) (920) 722-7707(Neenah-Menasha area only) Text for Help 850.888.HOPE
For more information on our services & resources
The Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling, an affiliate of the National Council on Problem Gambling, is a non-profit organization created in 1993. The primary mission of the WCPG is to educate and promote public understanding of problem gambling and the disorder of compulsive gambling.
Wisconsin Council on Problem Gambling
The National Council on Problem Gambling
24 Hour Confidential National Helpline
Call: 1-800-522-4700
Chat: ncpgambling.org/chat
Text: 1-800-522-4700